Monday, December 10, 2012

Embellishments, Accessories and Shiny's finally out of the box and on the bike!

Spent alot of time putting all these additional pieces on. All in all Im feeling pretty darn good about how it all worked out. Pretty much every piece required a small or large tweak, bend, or custom adjustment to properly fit. And some even after that.. didn't really work out.

Then in typical Vespa fashion, I had engine bogging and issues... I was baffled, and confused. Then I retraced and successfully diagnosed and fixed the issue.. damn Im good! Realized that I recently used my reserve and must have had shit at the bottom of my tank, or I had bad petrol. So I drained and cleaned the tank, clean out my jets. Found my problem.. some crap made its way through my carb, and was blocking the line.. and now she's running great again! Took all afternoon, so I rewarded myself with a trip to Taco Bell and then opened up some wine a bit early to start this blog vomit...

Of the things that didn't work. One was the side stand. I don't know if my scooter is just slightly different for what was intended or it was just bad design. It basically didn't lean the bike over far enough.  I feel like it just wouldn't work on any scooter honestly. It just seems like a bad idea to lean a Vespa to the left side, since all the weight of the bike is on the right side. In order to securely use a side stand, you have to lean to scooter at nearly 45 degrees,  which looks really strange, like its defying gravity. So I just left it out.

I was able install a new center stand, which works almost perfect. I think the bottom of my scooter is slightly warped so when I securely fastened the center stand it has a bit of resistance and needs a little help going back up, no worries.. easy to do, with my foot.

The scariest part of all of it was drilling holes for the front fender guard and the side crash bars. But all worked out well, and they are nice and secure and feel really strong. I was initially worried about them being knocked loose or bending, but no way! They're super sturdy.

Due to the crash bars, I couldn't fit the cool aluminum bumper! :( but I have another license plate surround that I think will work in its place.)

Large polished aluminum fender crest, Chrome
fender guard, and a new chrome swing arm cover

Aluminum badge wings.. Just need the new badge,
arriving soon :) New Chrome headlight bezel

Crash bar, drilled 3 holes in the cowl.

New chrome kick start lever, curved like the older pre-P200
stlye. This was a unique ScootRS part. Part of their Classic
parts series for P- Series Vespas. So easy, Just bolts on!

Cowl side crash bar, Chrome center stand, new rubber boots!
Also (not shown) I put in some new pretty chrome center stand
bolts and washers, for the floor board. Nice clean look!

New horn, Its actually a combination of my old horn,
with the new chrome flower cover.
The new 12 version sounded weak, so I used
my old 6 volt. After seeing the inside this
primitive device, Im pretty sure you cant
"blow" it.

New center stand properly raises the front
wheel off the ground, now its nice and steady!
No leaning or rocking.

She's got a nice booty... ;)

Oh the symmetry...

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